Mastering the Art of Letting Go
Are you facing or have you faced a problem, a situation, or a circumstance that you know is clearly beyond your control? After you’ve made several unsuccessful attempts to fix the problem, have you finally come to the conclusion that you can’t fix it?
Tell me, while you were in the midst of this challenging time were you told by a friend, a loved one, or a counselor to just let it go? Did they give you instructions on how to accomplish what seems to be an arduous task? Even though you were not quite sure how to do it you decide to let go. You know you’ve made a sound decision, but is there still something in you that just can’t seem to let it go?
Well, you are not alone. There are many who have struggled and those who yet struggle with the proverbial art of letting go. Inside of us all is the desire to see justice prevail, to see the wrongs in our worlds made right, and to see that which was broken restored. Unfortunately, justice is blind and she doesn’t always catch the thief, wrongs remain wrong, and there are lots of broken things that cannot be repaired. This may seem a bit discouraging, but you can take comfort in what Jesus told his disciples which you are, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33). You can have peace in knowing that in him you can also be an overcomer.
The truth is you cannot control nor change the outcome of most situations. It is the need to be in control that causes you to hang on when you should be letting go. Life happens and there are some situations that will arise that you may not see coming. You’ve made decisions concerning your marriage, children, friendships, education, job, and the like with the hopes of a positive outcome. The outcome of some of these decisions were not what you expected and it has left you with feelings of regret and disappointment. Rest in the fact that you decided what you thought best with the information you had at the time.
There are also decisions that others may make that can potentially affect you negatively. The outcome of these decisions seem to weigh heaviest on the heart. The lasting effects of these decisions-be it yours or someone else’s-can leave you with more questions than answers. No longer should you be stalled in life wrestling day after day with the infamous question of “why?” More often than not there is no answer to the question it is just the result of a decision. There is no more time for delay. It is time to let it go!
“There is no more time for delay.”
Five Keys to Letting Go
Once again you have been given the admonition to let it go. Well, this time you will be given some keys to assist you to master the art of letting go.
1. Accept the things that you cannot change and change the things you can.
But he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Don’t spend your life going around in circles trying to change people who refuse to change. Don’t try to manipulate circumstances that may eventually change with time. Realize that when you attempt to play God by manipulating circumstances you often make things worse.
Paul had to accept something that he could not change. He had a health issue-a thorn in his flesh-that he asked the Father several times to remove. He wanted God to change his circumstance. After he did not receive the change he sought, God told him that his grace was sufficient. The thorn was not his doing. It was something that happened to him. It was beyond his control. As you accept the things that you cannot change or God will not change; remember what God has said to you and rejoice in his keeping power.
2. Accept people for who they are and don’t expect them to be like you.
Psalm 139:14 states, I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
How you would respond to any given situation is different than how others would respond. How you solve problems and face circumstances are also different. Everyone is different and all differences should be appreciated. You are uniquely crafted to handle whatever comes your way.
3. Accept that everyone has a right to live as they chose. Pray for them and Let it go!
If you are a Christian, you have chosen to live by Kingdom Principles and the Word of God is your moral compass. You live in a world where not everyone holds your values. Even those in your own immediate family may have a different moral compass than yours. Keep in mind that God asked us all to, chose ye this day who you will serve (Joshua 24:14-15). He is a God who gives choices and we all will answer to him. Likewise, you should respect the choices of others. It doesn’t mean you condone the choice. What it means is you allow God to be God in their life like he is in yours.
4.Think on good things.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).
Rehashing toxic conversations and events will only add fuel to the fire of regret and disappointment. This fire can become uncontrollable fast and spread throughout your life consuming you with bitterness. Changing how you think about what has happened can just as quickly smoother the fires of regret and disappointment. So, think on the positive.
5. Accept His Peace.
Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you (I Peter 5:7).
One of the things that you must be sure of is that God cares for you. He is concerned about everything that concerns you so much so that he asks you to cast the burdens you carry on to him. Here God is wanting you to participate in an exchange. Exchange your burdens (problems, situations, and circumstances) for his peace.
You may be asking where does this exchange takes place. It happens in the place and posture of prayer. Praying and releasing the burdens of life to the one who can give you peace is the ultimate key to letting go.
Sustaining Grace
You may have noticed that I have given you five keys for letting go. The number five is said to be the number of grace. When you make the decision to let go of regrets and disappointments God will extend to you his all sustaining grace. As you go to the place of exchange you will find the grace that smoothers the flames of regret, disappointment, and bitterness. In this place you will gain the strength to cast your cares upon him and receive his peace. Let the Master help you to master letting it go!